because what else are you going to call it?

hello and welcome.

This is a blog written by me, jeffrey michael geiringer. My editorial direction will be simple. I will post things that interests me, and explain why. Within those parameters (mostly), my hope is that i will begin to articulate a vision characterized by large-scale societal analysis and uncompromising optimism about the future. The things that interest me are the ones that seem to hint at the deeper structures of society, although in some instances you may want to replace the concept of deepness with largeness (or just keep the both). I am interested in those structures because they seem to me to hold some clue as to where our society is headed, generally, and what the future will hold. I hope to play both weatherman and historian; i hope to analyze our society while participating in it.

The world that we live in right now is vastly different from the one you grew up in, whomever you are. Things are evolving quicker than ever.
This is an incredibly important thing to keep in mind. If we as a species, as an existential unit, want to keep on existing at all, we must learn to not only live with change, but embrace it. The number of tragic things that simply happen because no one has ever bothered to do them differently is astounding. I believe that when we are actively shaping our societies and our selves, we will achieve a higher degree of freedom and prosperity than has ever been remotely conceived of.

These are my ideas,* these are the things that compel me. I hope that they will serve as commentary and analysis, an alternate opinion. It's hard to define the goal of such an endeavor, other than perhaps joining in the gigantic cultural conversation that exists in this form on the internet.

*in the sense that i am writing them down, not in the sense that they are originally "mine:" a topic for a future post that will probably address copyright law and the strange relationship between "originality" and innovation.

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